Growing Smarter with Plant Pals

  • Houseplant Supplies You Probably Already Own

    Houseplant Supplies You Probably Already Own

    Houseplant care supplies are all around us! You don’t need to spend a ton of money to care for your plants, you probably already have plenty of things right at home. Here's an list of household items I use to...

  • How To Build A Plant Care Routine (And why you need to do it NOW)

    How To Build A Plant Care Routine (And why you need to do it NOW)

    You’ve heard this one before: “Water your plants on a schedule.” And because you’ve heard it so many times before, it’s gotta be true…right?

  • How to Identify Your Plant Without Feeling Like a Fraud

    How to Identify Your Plant Without Feeling Like a Fraud

    Here’s a type of social anxiety we’ve all lived through: You’re in a lovely conversation with someone who clearly knows and remembers you fondly—but you can’t remember their name, and it’s been way too long for you to ask now.

  • Houseplants Aren’t Real

    Houseplants Aren’t Real

    Quick question: What do houseplants have in common with seagulls, wild horses, and house cats?

  • My 5 Favorite Beginner Houseplants

    My 5 Favorite Beginner Houseplants

    The myth of the Low-Effort Houseplant is responsible for countless Plant People starting their plantcare journey, and it’s probably why so many of them give up on it and walk away.

  • How Houseplants Improve Your Life

    How Houseplants Improve Your Life

    Just like we have Dog People and Cat People, humans can absolutely be Plant People...

  • What Is Plant Pals? And Also…Why?

    What Is Plant Pals? And Also…Why?

    This one’s gonna get a teensy bit personal, but I promise it’ll make sense in the end.